Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Hot Slush
Get off your couch and head up to Big Bear this weekend so you can watch people more fortunate than yourself get to snowboard before you do. The event is free to watch and apparently will feature "a unique setup that will test the skills of some of the best jumpers and jibbers in the world". There will also be a screening of Mack Dawg Productions new film "Double Decade" and People's "Down with the People", as well as Bear Mountain's new video, "A Walk in the Park". For more information, check out Bear Mountain's website.
For those 21 and over, be sure to stick around for the after party.
So come watch the contest, or come watch the videos, or come laugh at the people wearing ridiculous outfits, or just come get drunk. Whatever, just do something with your life and get away from this computer.