Charles Reid is a man of few words, but his riding and recent contest results say enough. We gave him some ground-breaking, hard-hitting questions questions anyway, so you can get to know him a little better.
Elm Company (EC) : Hello Grandmaster Reid. Why don’t you give the folks at home a little background on yourself (name, age, city, sponsors).
Charles Reid (CR) : Charles, 18, Mont-Tremblant. I ride for Burton, Anon, Nomis, Axis and Elm.
EC : You been taking up permanent residence on the podium lately. Any secrets for all the little contest kids out there?
CR : Have fun.
EC : Do you like doing a lot of contests? Or do you just like all the extra money?
CR : I like to ride the best set ups. Money makes the banker happy.
EC : Would you go as far as to say that all of your recent success stems from your excitement about getting hooked up with Elm Company? (cuz I would)
CR : I hope to go further with Elm.
EC : Planning any trips to the states this season?
CR : Dew Tour, Honda Sessions, US Open. I was in San Francisco a couple weeks ago.
EC : Parks, Pipes, Backcountry, or Street missions? Or all of the above?
CR : All of the above.
EC : What do you like/dislike most about the snow industry right now?
CR : We are having a ball now. It's much more fun in the park than on Wall Street.
EC : Do you think snowboarding is becoming too corporate? Or do you think it’s heading in the right direction? (I know, that’s very similar to question #7)
CR : The corporate think they are doing good investing in our sport. I cannot disagree.
EC : What motivates your riding?
CR : Getting better, stomping new tricks and having fun with my friends.
EC : Why are you so quiet?
CR : That is the way I am…
EC : What do Canadians generally think about Americans these days? (don’t worry, we won’t get offended, everybody hates us these days)
CR : We will like you better with your new president.
EC : Do you guys think Americans have goofy accents or weird sayings (like “aboot” and “eh”)?
CR : I can’t help you on that.
EC : What about our cheese? Do you guys think our cheese is weird?
CR : What cheese?? It tastes like tofu and feels like rubber. You should come to Quebec to know what good cheese means.
EC : What else do you want to say? Because I’m obviously out of legitimate questions.
CR : Peace.