Hope you all had a great New Years Eve. Our party was a hit in more ways than one. The crowd was larger than expeceted and definitely more than the Fire Marshall would've liked. I was sober (designated driver) and still had a good time. The dancefloor was getting punished all night and free product was getting tossed out on the regular. The night eneded in your standard Big Bear brawl, which I luckily missed because I was driving some degenerates home. But I got back just in time to pick up a few more drunken friends and see the cops carrying away a few angry tough guys. Apparently it was a full-on royal rumble while I was gone. The next day was full of exciting tales of drunkeness. Too many to tell here (and probably too explicit anyway). But hey, nobody died or ended up in the hospital (or at least I didn't hear about it).
Anyway, here's a few photos.
SlipMatt, playing his usual eclectic assortment of tunes.

Crowd shot #1

Crowd shot #2

Crowd Shot #3

This is how Gabby's night started. It ended with her winning as drunkest person of the night.

Scott Pence came in a close 2nd behind Gabby.

.......you can form your own opinion on this one.
